
How to use Google AI Search

How to Use Google AI Search

Tired of combing through pages and pages of irrelevant search results? Do you wish you could find exactly what you’re looking for with just a few clicks? Well, look no further than Google AI search! With its generative capabilities and advanced machine learning algorithms, Google AI search provides more accurate and contextually relevant results. And …

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Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things Explained

What is an IoT System & What are its Applications? An IoT system is a system of internet-connected devices. These devices are usually connected to the internet and can communicate over a network. The applications for an IoT system vary, but some examples include: -Monitoring the environment (e.g., air quality) -Connected home automation (e.g., lights, …

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What is Business Intelligence (BI)

What is Business Intelligence?

What is Business Intelligence (BI) Business intelligence refers to tools that help businesses and organizations in decision-making by enabling them to access, transform and analyse data. The goal of BI is to provide meaningful business insights, which are then used for strategic decisions. In other words, it helps companies make better-informed business decisions. “Intelligence” comes …

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What is Blockchain

What is Blockchain?

What is Blockchain? First, I directly get into the question, what is Blockchain? Blockchain is a distributed ledger system that allows transactions to be recorded chronologically and publicly without the need for intermediaries or third parties. It means that data cannot be altered once entered into the system. The technology was developed in 2008 by …

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what is the metaverse

What is the Metaverse?

What is the Metaverse and Why everyone should be talking about it? Is it another virtual reality? The term metaverse refers to a shared virtual space where individuals can interact through their avatars. In essence, it’s a 3D version of Second Life, except instead of using a mouse or keyboard, you control your avatar with …

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What is NFT Minting?

What is NFT Minting?

What is NFT Minting? Before getting an answer to ‘What is NFT minting? Let us understand the basics of NFT. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are digital assets traded, bought, and sold. They usually take the form of some artwork or even in-game assets for certain virtual worlds. Each NFT has its metadata codes stored on …

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What are NFTs?

What are NFTs?

What are NFTs? Non-fungible tokens or simply NFTs are a new cryptocurrency gaining popularity in the last few years. They are similar to currencies like bitcoin but are only useable by the person that owns the token. It is because, unlike currencies like bitcoin, every token is unique. There are so many different ERC721 tokens …

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